segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2004

Minha fase Zeca Pagodinho passou.
Agora, pra desespero do pessoal da minha sala que fica escutando meu murmúrio, a música da vez é essa...
Principalmente o refrão, minha voz de soprano tá afiada nele!!
Quase tão bom quanto Iris!!

Before The Dawn

Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you
I am nothing more than to see you there

And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

If only night could hold you where I can see you,

My love
Then let me never ever wake again

And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Somehow I know that we can’t wake again from this dream
It's not real, but it's ours

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

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